IP Article featured on GoArticles.com

An article written by The Law Department looking at changes in the law for small Intellectual Property claims has been published on GoArticles.com.

GoArticles is the web's largest free content article directory, It features hundreds of thousands of authors on a range of subjects and is viewed by millions of people across the world each day.

An article entitled, 'No longer the underdog' was published on the site last week. It looks at how SMEs and individuals should benefit from the new small claims track, which is a simplified procedure for mounting IP claims with a value of £5,000 or less. The changes in the law will particularly help those who derive much of their income from exploiting their own intellectual property, but who in the past had been prevented from taking legal action against those who copied it due to the exorbitant costs involved.

To read the article in full, please go to http://goarticles.com/article/No-Longer-the-Underdog/7037861/

For more information on making an intellectual property claim, please click here.